β¨ New
Filter by "My Profiles" and "All Profiles"
When viewing a list of Commercial or Personal Risk Profiles on the respective Risk Profile list pages, agents can filter between profiles that they are a collaborator on or all risk profiles.
On agent dashboard, only display profiles that current agent is a collaborator on
When an agent first logs in to Wunderite, they will only see profiles that they are a collaborator on. Previously, the agent dashboard would display profiles that belonged to anyone in their agency.
Include a message to an existing customer when sending a form or assigning questions
When sending a form or assigning questions, if an agent selects the option to "Send an automated email," the agent has the option to include a message to the customer, even if it is an existing customer. Previously this option was only available when sending to a new customer. Note: If an agent sends a message to an existing collaborator that already has an existing customer message, the existing customer message will be overwritten.
For more information about where customer messages display, check out our knowledgebase article.
Display number of overflow answers in tooltip on Forms page
When hovering over the progress meter of a form on the Forms Index page, we differentiate between regular answers and overflow answers. For example: "43 questions answered. Of those, 13 are overflow questions."
βοΈ Fixed
Signature file updated date doesn't change when an agent makes updates to the file
On the Signatures page, an Updated column displays the date the Signature file was last modified. We fixed an issue where this date was not updating correctly when an agent made updates to a signature file.
End customer: Forms sidebar tab is not highlighted when on the Forms page
Fixes an issue on the end customer view where the Forms sidebar tab was not highlighted when a user was on the Forms page.
Webform scroll position doesn't sync with PDF view
Fixes an issue where the Forms Response webform and PDF scroll positions were not syncing.