β¨ New
Combine Account Overview and Account Settings pages
Reorganizes the Account Overview and Account Settings pages so that agents and insured customers can easily find and update their account and contact information from one page. Also updates help text and tooltips make it more clear what the effect is of the respective settings.
Only allow Agent Admins to delete Risk Profiles
Updates the Risk Profile Overview page so that only Agent Admins can delete Risk Profiles. Agent Members will no longer be allowed to delete Risk Profiles.
ββοΈ Fixed
Risk Profile collaborators should have unique avatar colors
Fixes an issue with how collaborator avatar colors are generated so that existing users who are invited to collaborate on a risk profile get assigned a unique color rather than adopting the color of the previously invited collaborator.
Export All Risk Data button doesn't work on Personal Risk Profiles
Fixes the Export All Risk Data button Personal Risk Profiles, so that selecting the button appropriately exports all risk data for the selected profile.