β¨ New
Digital Signature Recurring Reminders
When requesting signatures on files, agents can include automated email reminders from the "Send signature" step or from the Signature Manager page. Signers will continue to receive email reminders at the configured interval (default 7 days) until they have signed the file or when the reminders automatically expire after 120 days. Note: Digital Signature recurring reminders function similar to Forms, although reminders for Forms and Signatures are separate and individually configurable.
Signature Manager: show file count & mobile bulk select
For consistency for with other Wunderite features, we updated the Signature Manager page to show a file count (inline with the search bar) and a select all button on mobile.
Update Sign Now as primary action when sending files for signature
When sending files for signature, if an agent adds themself as a signer, Sign Now will be highlighted as the primary action on the "Success!" step.
ββοΈ Fixed
Agent Dashboard doesn't display more than 25 pending invites
Fixes an issue on the Agent Dashboard where an agency team with more than 25 pending invites couldn't see or load more than 25 pending invites.
Pressing Backspace on Digital Signature deletes field
Fixes an edge case where pressing Backspace on a keyboard deletes the selected field when the "Add Signer" dropdown is open.