β¨ New
Save Agent Dashboard, Forms, and Signatures sorting preference
On the Agent Dashboard, Forms, and Signature Manager pages, the table column sorting preference will be stored in a user's local cache. If an agent starts a new session or reloads the page, their sorting preference will be remembered. Note: this feature is not available on Risk Data pages yet.
ββοΈ Fixed
Various mobile and design bug fixes
End Customer
View All Risk Data
button didn't workEnd Customer mobile: two tabs in navigation are active when viewing Risk Data pages
Agent mobile: selecting the Home tab doesn't collapse the navigation menu
Fallback to icon if a Building has no cover photo or address
On Commercial Buildings, if a building doesn't have a cover photo or Google Maps address, the building should fall back to display an icon.
Change "Magic Link" to "Passwordless"
To make the passwordless sign in flow more intuitive, we updated instances of "Magic Link" to "Passwordless Link."