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How to Import Risk Profiles
Jacob Parker avatar
Written by Jacob Parker
Updated over a year ago

The intended audience for this article is Agents.

Identify the Risk Profile Type

Wunderite has two types of risk profiles: Commercial and Personal. These are separated to accommodate the different types of data that commercial and personal lines require.

You first step is to identify the type of risk profile you'd like to import and navigate to either Commercial Profiles or Personal Profiles from the main navigation.

From either page, select the Import button in the top right of the page.

Locating and Downloading Import Sample Files

After clicking the Import button from any of the Risk Profile pages, select the Download Sample File button.

This file is an Excel spreadsheet with pre-formatted column headers named for the data that can be imported for that Risk Profile type. Use these files to prepare your data for import.

Important: Each Risk Profile type its own sample file with fields that are specific to that type. Make sure to use the correct sample file when importing to each Risk Profile type.

Preparing an Import Template

Method #1 - Update Column Headings for Existing Sheet

If you already have a spreadsheet with data from another system, simply change the column headings to match the pre-formatted headings expected for Wunderite's Risk Data section.

Any data that does not match one of the pre-formatted headings cannot be imported and should be removed.

Method #2 - Copy/Paste Data from Existing Sheet

Copy and paste your data rows from another Excel spreadsheet or system of record for each available column.

Important: When preparing your data for import, it is critical that each pre-formatted column heading remain on the spreadsheet, even if you don't have any data you want to import for that column. Wunderite's import tool will throw an error if any of the pre-formatted headings are missing.

Import the File

Once your file is prepared, either click to select or drag & drop your file to the designated upload area for the corresponding Risk Data section.

File Pre-validation

Your file will be automatically pre-validated to check the file type (XLS, XLSX, CSV or ODS) and size (up to 50MB).

An unsuccessful validation displays the word Failed with a red "X." Check your file type and/or size and re-upload the file.

A successful validation displays the word Success with a green check.

File Data Processing

Click the Import button to process the file. The results of the processing will appear below.

Any highlighted in red have errors. Scroll right on the list view to see the error details for any rows highlighted in red.

Click the trash icon to remove any record you do not wish to save, or click Cancel to re-prepare the file.

Any rows highlighted in green are successfully processed.

Finalize the Import

Click Save to complete the import process. A success message will appear in the top right of your screen indicating that the import was successful.

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