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Digital Signature Quick Start
Start preparing signatures with one click from the agent dashboard. Create a new risk profile or select from existing.
For additional information, take a look at our knowledgebase article.
Display user assignment avatars in Forms Response sidebar
When viewing a form in the Forms Response page, user assignment avatars now display in the sidebar. View who is assigned to an entire form or some questions. Also unassign entire forms or questions for a user from the sidebar.
Digital Signature: Display Customers and Team Members in the same list
When preparing files for signature, Customers and Team Members now display in the same list. Each user tile includes a Customer or Team Member label.
We also display all Team Members in the list, regardless if they have previously been added as a collaborator to that risk profile. If an agent selects a Team Member as a signer, they will automatically be added as a collaborator on that risk profile.
Forms Response sidebar: Send or Sign primary call to action
When filling out forms, there is now one button for Send or Sign. Selecting the button will display options of Send Form or Request Signature. If an agent selects Request Signature, we automatically complete the form and send the agent to the prepare signature workflow
It's still possible to manually Complete Form or Incomplete Form using a tertiary button on the sidebar.
Add initials to Digital Signature color swatch
When preparing a file for signature, a color swatch displays the currently selected user. We added initials to this color swatch so that it's more obvious which user is selected.
βοΈ Fixed
Error when preparing a file for signature a second time
Fixes an error for a scenario where an agent prepared a form for signature, sent for signature, marked as incomplete, updated answers, and then attempted to prepare the file for signature a second time.
Modal button disappears, shifting text to the right
On some popup modals, upon closing the modal, the close button would disappear, causing the text to unexpectedly shift to the right.
Agent can't search for driver risk data using first and last name
If an agent searched for a driver using their first and last name, no results would return even if there were drivers that matched the query.
Named Insured isn't autofilled on forms
Ensures autofill works on some forms that have an "Applicant Name" or "Named Insured" question.
Mobile: Buttons on the last form are hidden
When viewing Team Favorites or Team Templates, the buttons for the last form in the list were being covered by the mobile navigation toolbar.
Mobile: Square feet and property value don't display on Personal Real Estate tiles
When viewing Personal Real Estate on mobile, Square Feet and Property Value data was not displaying.
Mobile: Scrolling a vehicle dropdown scrolls the whole page
Fixes an issue when editing a vehicle on mobile with dropdowns: if a user tried to scroll the dropdown, it would scroll the whole page.
Mobile: Navigation menu is missing on Personal Forms page
When viewing the Forms page on mobile, the navigation was missing.
Mobile: Text overflows on collaborator tiles
Fixes an issue one mobile where some text would overflow the page on collaborator tiles.
Mobile: Commercial Forms page navigation doesn't reflect the current page
When viewing the Commercial Forms page on mobile, the navigation wouldn't show the current page name.
Can't upload a file to an upload question in a group
On the Forms Response page, if an upload question was contained in a group, users were unable to successfully upload files.
Autofilling an updated vehicle results in a blank entry
If an agent autofilled a form with a vehicle schedule (e.g. ACORD 127), then updated the vehicle in Risk Data, and autofilled the form again, the updated vehicle would show up as blank.
Allow agents to invite existing collaborators to a Risk Profile even when they have reached their contract limit
Fixes an issue where agents couldn't assign & share questions or invite an existing agent to collaborate on a Risk Profile. Now, agents can add existing agents as collaborators, but they won't be able to add new agent collaborators once they reach their contract limit.
Update Magic Link controller
Some customers who have security controls on their emails were experiencing issues with magic links that sent them into never-ending loop, making it impossible to login with passwordless. We updated the way magic links work, which should fix the issue and allow customers with email security to successfully login with passwordless.