β¨ New
Add Form Templates and Favorites to Forms Quick Start
When selecting Send or fill out a form from the agent dashboard, agents can now select from the entire forms library, templates, or favorites.
Print a Webform (when there is no PDF)
For webforms (i.e. no associated PDF), adds an option to print the form. Accessible from the PDF ellipsis menu that displays on the top right of a Form. Note: This feature covers most question types. However, some question types like tables and file uploads will not print elegantly.
Webform syncs scroll position with PDF
When filling out a form, the scroll position of the form syncs between the webform and the PDF so that you don't lose your place.
Download a form PDF from Forms Library
Adds the ability for agents to download a PDF of a form from the Forms Library.
βοΈ Fixed
Forms Quick Start: Agent loses focus when searching for a profile
When selecting Send or fill out a form from the agent dashboard, agents would lose focus when trying to search for a profile.
Agent Admin can't edit team details
Fixes an issue when an agent admin would make updates on the team details page, but the updates wouldn't actually save.
Signatures: Expand packet button doesn't work in card and mobile view
When viewing the signatures page on mobile or in card view, user was unable to expand a packet to see its contents.
Display full text of long Smartfill answers on hover
When filling out a form, if an agent entered a long answer on a Smartfill question, the text would get truncated and there was no way to see the full text. We added the ability to see the full text on hover.
Agent can't remove vehicle details
Fixes an issue where an agent couldn't clear fields for an existing vehicle.
Hide navigation elements when a form is loading
When a form is loading, hide all navigation elements and only display the loading indicator, so that it is obvious that the page is still loading.
When a question is marked "Not Applicable," disable "Add Another"
For group repeater questions, users should not have the ability to "Add Another" if the question is marked Not Applicable.
Signatures: a search with no results displays an empty state
When an agent performed a search that returned no results, we displayed an empty state, giving the appearance that no signature files exist. We fixed the issue by displaying proper feedback notifying the agent that no files exist with that search criteria.
Forms Response: pluralization of question selection
On the Forms Response page, we updated the language of the question selection: if 0 questions are selected, the text now shows "0 Questions Selected." Previously it showed "0 Question Selected."
Missing conditional sections on some forms
Fixes an issue where conditional questions on some forms weren't displaying.
Hide "Create" text on Forms Response Smartfill questions
We made a small language tweak on Smartfill questions by removing the text "Create" for new Smartfill entries. The language was confusing because it gave the appearance that Wunderite was creating a new Risk Data entry, when actually we were just answering the Smartfill question.
Error when assigning a form or questions to a new agent
Fixes an issue where an unexpected error notification displayed when an agent assigned a form or questions to a new agent.
"Address" shouldn't be a required field when creating a Commercial Additional Interest
When creating a Commercial Additional Interest, the address field is not supposed to be required.