The intended audience for this article is Agents and Insureds/End Customers.
Sidebar functions
The sidebar is the primary hub for interacting with the webform.
Return to the Risk Profile Overview page by selecting the Risk Profile name in the top left.
The form title let’s you know which form you’re currently working on.
Users initials display who is assigned to the form or specific questions on the form. Additionally, unassign users from the form or questions by selecting their user avatar.
Send or Sign - assign and send the entire form or individual selected questions, or send for signature by selecting from the drop down menu.
See second screenshot for details
Reminders - send a one-time email reminder to collaborators or turn on and manage recurring reminders.
Collapse the sidebar to allow the largest viewing area.
Autofill Answers - pull data from all available sources like Risk Data, Agency Team information, and other Acord forms and automatically answer as many questions as possible. A number will come up as a prediction on how many answers will autofill into the form.
Allows the agent to lock in the answers on the form, as they want them to be when needing a signature. Never mark form complete before sending to a customer.
When 1 or more questions are selected, perform bulk actions like Select/Deselect All, Mark Required, Mark Not Applicable, Add Notes, and Clear Answers.
Use the Table of Contents menu dropdown to quickly navigate between sections in the form.
Progress/Completion meter and saved/saving status. See second screenshot
Top navigation functions
The top navigation is used for filtering questions and interacting with the PDF form.
Filter by user assignment using the Assigned to dropdown. End customers will automatically only see the questions that are assigned to them.
Filter by question status using the Status dropdown. i.e. Required, Answered, Unanswered, Applicable, Not Applicable.
Use the pan tool 🤚 for navigating the PDF form.
Use the select tool (dashed square) to select text on the PDF.
Zoom controls for toggling the zoom level on the PDF.
Vertical ellipsis button [ ⁝ ] to download or print the PDF and expand or collapse the PDF. (This is not visible on forms that are webform-only).
You can also view these actions as a Walkthrough Video. Additionally, there is a guide for Filling Out a Form. For all other questions, contact your Wunderite Customer Success Manager.