β¨ New
Form Templates
You can now create templated sets of answers for any ACORD or insurance application using Wunderite's new Form Templates feature. Templates let you reuse the same set of answers (e.g. mark all questions as "Not Applicable") on a form for reuse across clients and across your agency. Watch our walkthrough video or read our knowledgebase article (must be logged in at app.wunderite.com) to learn how to use Form Templates to automate your workflow.
Update "Yes, Regenerate Key" button color
Action button colors should reflect the severity of the action. This button color is updated to yellow to signify "proceed with caution."
βοΈ Fixed
Fix Commercial Driver date of birth format
Fixes an issue with Commercial Driver date of birth records, making it impossible for users to save changes to drivers.
Multiple in-app notifications from signature actions
Customers and agents were receiving duplicate in-app notifications when a customer was added as a signer to a file or packet and agents were receiving duplicate in-app notifications when all files in a packet have been completed.
Signature fields can exceed the edge of PDF
When an agent was preparing a file for signature, it was possible to create signature fields that weren't actually placed on the PDF.
Import Drivers fails if a license number is all numeric
When importing a list of drivers to Risk Data, the import would fail if a license number was all numeric.
Agent needs to refresh the page after renaming a packet
If an agent renamed a packet, they would need to refresh the page before seeing the change take effect. Now when they rename a packet, the change will be immediately visible.
2-Factor authentication help link is broken
For users that have 2FA enabled, the Need help verifying your account? link would attempt to open an Intercom support chat window, which is not available on the sign in page. We fixed this by sending the user to a knowledgebase article about how to sign in with 2FA.
Agent can't save Commerical Risk Profile SIC Code
If an agent tried to add or update a SIC code to a Commercial Risk Profile, they would receive a validation error, even if the SIC code was valid.
Risk data tile view overflow text doesn't wrap
When viewing risk data as tiles, long text (e.g. Legal Entity Description) would overflow outside of the tile instead of wrapping to another line.
Long NAICS code tooltips don't wrap on NAICS search page
On the NAICS Code Search page, long tooltips would span the entire width of the page, instead of wrapping to multiple lines, making it difficult to read the tooltips.
Cross Form Autofill doesn't autofill for duplicate forms
If a form has been added to a risk profile more than once, autofill doesn't work on subsequent copies of that form.
Autofill with Workers Comp code results in 500 error
Autofilling a form with a workers comp code (e.g. ACORD 130) would result in a 500 error.