Resend a login or invite link

If a customer already exists in Wunderite, but you need to share a new email link reminder

Philip MacDonald avatar
Written by Philip MacDonald
Updated over a week ago

The intended audience for this article is Agents.

If you have an existing or pending customer collaborator in Wunderite and you need to resend a link for them to access Wunderite, first navigate to the Risk Profile that they belong to.

Select the Risk Profile.

Then navigate to the Collaborators tab.

If a customer has already accepted an invitation to collaborate and you need to send them a reminder, select Resend Wunderite Link from the customer collaborators list.

Your customer will receive an email with a link to sign in to Wunderite.

If a customer has not accepted an invitation to collaborate and they are still pending, from the Collaborators tab, under the invited but not accepted list, select Resend Invite.

Your customer will receive an email with a link to accept their request to collaborate.

Upon accepting the invite, your customer will be automatically logged in to Wunderite and prompted to review their account information. They will not need to create or manage a password.

If you have any questions on these steps, please contact your Wunderite Customer Success Manager.

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